Fiorenza Micheli Dr., PhD.

Stanford University


We are in an era of unprecedented need and opportunity for the ocean.

PI on grant from the Bertarelli Foundation’s Marine Science Programme  “Long-term monitoring of reef fish assemblages in the Marine Protected Area surrounding the Chagos Archipelago: climate drivers, production subsidies and trophic cascades”. 02/01/2018 – 01/31/2023

We are in an era of unprecedented need and opportunity for the ocean. As our impact on ocean ecosystems and services is escalating, so is our ability to learn and support positive change for the ocean and those who depend on it most.

Fiorenza Micheli


2020 Present
Co-director of Hopkins Marine Station
2017 Present
Co-director of Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions
2014 Present
David and Lucile Packard Professor of Marine Science (Endowed Chair)
2014 Present
Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University
2010 Present
Full Professor, Department of Biology, Stanford University
2008 2009
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Stanford University
2009 2014
Affiliated Faculty, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University
2001 2007
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences Department, Stanford University
1991 1995
Ph.D. in Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

My Project

  • Island Reef Connections
    Coral Reef Fish in the Indian Ocean Region

Other interests

My research focuses on the processes shaping marine communities and coastal social-ecological systems, and incorporating this understanding in marine management and conservation. My research group investigates climatic impacts on marine ecosystems, particularly the impacts of coastal hypoxia and ocean acidification on marine species and communities, marine predators’ ecology and trophic cascades, the dynamics and sustainability of small-scale fisheries, and the design and function of Marine Protected Areas. Our current research takes us to Mexico, Italy, Chagos and Palau, in addition to California.