What we do
Our Indian Ocean focussed research programme is advancing the understanding of Marine Protected Areas - so they can be better managed to provide the maximum amount of protection. Our highly collaborative and interdisciplinary projects are led by some of the world's leading marine scientists who are pushing the boundaries of their fields.
A healthy ocean is
vital to sustaining all
life on Earth – not just
the animals and plants
that live below the waves

of the Earth is ocean

of species in the ocean are yet to be discovered

of the oxygen we breathe is made in the ocean
The Indian ocean is one of the Earth's most exploited oceans. A large Marine Protected Area located in the middle of the Indian ocean provides an incredible opportunity to create an ocean observatory - a place where scientists can investigate complex marine ecosystems in the absence of direct human influence.
Island Reef Connections
The impact of climate change has been acutely felt on coral reefs across the Indian Ocean, including areas previously shown to be some of the healthiest coral reefs in the region.
Species Distribution and Ecology
Our work is building a detailed picture of how important and mobile species such as turtles, seabirds, sharks and rays travel across the Indian Ocean
Tackling Illegal Fishing
Scientific research carried out in the Indian Ocean is being used to inform the management of Marine Protected Areas and help governments support international commitments such as the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 14.
More than 73 scientists from 22 institutions and 11 countries are working together to uncover the ocean's hidden secrets - and find new ways to protect it