Robin Freeman PhD.

Institute of Zoology


Seabirds are a sentinel species giving us critical clues to understanding the health and dynamics of the whole marine ecosystem.

Within the marine science programme in the Indian Ocean Region, I focus on understanding how seabird behaviour responds to environmental and anthropogenic drivers.

Understanding how wildlife responds to anthropogenic impacts is critical to better ensuring their conservation. Small shifts in behaviour can have lasting consequences in individual fitness.

Robin Freeman


2013 Present
Head of the Indicators and Assessments Unit, Zoological Society of London
2011 2013
Research Fellow, CoMPLEX, University College London
2011 2009
Postdoctoral Researcher, Computational Ecology Group, Microsoft Research Cambridge and Merton College, Oxford.
2002 2009
PhD in zoology, machine learning & pattern recognition, University of Oxford

My Project

  • Species Distribution and Ecology
    Birds Without Borders or Isolated Islands? Connectivity of Western Indian Ocean Seabirds

Other interests

At the Zoological Society of London I head the Indicators and Assessments Unit. We are a research unit that focuses on understanding the patterns and processes of global biodiversity change. From understanding global population trends through indicators like the Living Planet Index

My Publications

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