Alice Trevail Dr., PhD.

University of Exeter


I am a seabird ecologist interested in the environmental drivers of animal movement. In particular, I'm interested in how the physical environment shapes foraging opportunities, and therefore behaviour and habitat choice.

The seabird team aims to understand the causes and consequences of seabird connectivity across the Western Indian Ocean Region. During the project, I will be exploring the foraging ecology of red-footed boobies and wedge-tailed shearwaters as well as dispersal and foraging mechanisms in immature red-footed boobies. This research will answer new questions about tropical seabird foraging decisions as well as informing current and future spatial protection.

We have so much to learn from tracking the at-sea movements of seabirds; about how our marine ecosystems function, and how to protect them in the face of ongoing change.

Alice Trevail


2019 Present
Post-doctoral research associate, University of Exeter and Marine Science Programme
2015 2019
PhD in marine ecology, University of Liverpool

My Project

  • Species Distribution and Ecology
    Birds Without Borders or Isolated Islands? Connectivity of Western Indian Ocean Seabirds
  • Species Distribution and Ecology
    The Importance of the Chagos Archipelago for Seabirds

My Publications

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