Aaron Carlisle Ph.D.

University of Delaware


My research focusses on understanding how ecology, physiology and the environment interact to influence the distribution, behaviour, life history strategies, and ecology of marine and estuarine organisms, in particular fishes and elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays).

These interactions, their biological and ecological relevance, are fundamental to understanding the biology and ecology of a species as well as its role in the ecosystem. Importantly, this information can also be used to foster improved management and conservation practices.

To address these questions, I use a variety of approaches, including chemical tracer techniques (e.g. stable isotope analysis, trace elements, contaminants), biologging (satellite, acoustic, and other models of electronic tags), and habitat and biophysical modelling.

It is important to address fundamental questions in biology and ecology, and conduct applied research that can be used to help manage and conserve species and ecosystems in an ocean that is rapidly changing due to human activity and climate change.

Aaron Carlisle


2018 Present
Assistant Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware
2010 Present
IUCN Species Survival Commission, Shark Specialist Group
2012 2018
Postdoctoral Researcher, Stanford University and NOAA
2006 2012
Ph.D., Stanford University
2000 2006
M.Sc., Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
1995 1999
B.A., Princeton University

My Projects

  • Species Distribution and Ecology
    The Ecology and Ecosystem Roles of Reef Sharks in the Indian Ocean MPA
  • Species Distribution and Ecology
    The Importance of the Chagos Archipelago for Pelagic Predators in the Indian Ocean

My Publications

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