Dan Bayley PhD.

University College London


My work for Marine Science focused on developing and applying new technologies for the assessment of marine benthic systems (primarily tropical coral reefs).

This was with the aim to gain a better understanding of their ecology and to better inform effective management. Within the BPMS my work primarily included:

1) Development of emerging image-based technologies to assess changes in coral reef physical structure, community dynamics and health through time.

2) Assessment of the effect of climatic disturbance on the long-term 3D structure and function of reefs.

Marine researchers now have the unique opportunity to take advantage of rapid recent advances in digital technology and computing power in order to view and analyse the underwater world, in ways which were never before possible.

Dan Bayley


2020 Present
Senior Quantitative Ecologist / Honorary Senior Research Fellow – SAERI (Falklands) / UCL
2018 2020
Research Fellow – University College London
2017 2017
Visiting Researcher – South Atlantic Environment Research Institute
2011 2014
Marine Protected Area Advisor – Joint Nature Conservation Committee
2010 2011
Subtidal Ecologist, Countryside Council for Wales
2009 2010
Research Assistant, The Marine Biological Association/Finding Sanctuary
2008 2009
MSc. in Marine Environmental Protection, Bangor University

My Project

  • Island Reef Connections
    Monitoring Coral Reefs in the Indian Ocean

Other interests

Aside from my work with the BPMS, I conduct research on reef systems across the world. Over the last few years, I have worked with ZSL / Project Seahorse (Philippines) to assess the efficacy of small-scale community run MPAs, and with the Biome Health Project (Fiji) to determine how biodiversity responds to human pressures and how conservation interventions can be used to reduce the impacts of these pressures. I have also worked on multiple reef projects across the Caribbean UKOTs, as well as being an IUCN red list coral specialist, and ICRS Education Committee Member.

I additionally work on temperate (UK) and sub-Antarctic (Falkland Islands / South Georgia) systems, to develop the evidence base for designation of marine protected areas; conduct marine ecosystem service valuations; and assess marine invasive species risk for these regions, which will feed into future environmental management.

My Publications

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