Laura Warmuth MSc

University of Oxford


I’m looking at how reef fish and coral populations are impacted by connectivity and climate change and how this affects reef resilience and food security.

My research aims to develop a better understanding of coral reef connectivity in the Indian Ocean by linking reef resilience to climate and connectivity patterns. I am modelling reef fish abundances and connectivity in the Central and Western Indian Ocean.

Marine conservation planning is limited by taking oceanographic and genomic connectivity into account and how they change under future climate scenarios. The research methods and outcomes of how different functional reef fish and coral groups respond to these environmental changes can hopefully make current conservation planning more efficient for in the coming decades.

To protect coral reefs, one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, we need to cut emissions globally and strategise marine protected areas locally by researching future connectivity and climate change impacts.

Laura Warmuth


2019 Present
PhD Student (NERC Environmental Research DTP), University of Oxford and National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
2018 2019
Research Associate in Social and Ecological Dimensions of Marine Conservation, Duke University Marine Lab, United States
2017 2018
MSc in Tropical Marine Biology, University of Essex, United Kingdom
2017 2017
Research Assistant in Seascape Structure and Reef Fish Ecology, Nago Island Mariculture Research Facility, Papua New Guinea
2017 2017
Graduate Certificate of Science in Marine Biology and Ecology, James Cook University, Australia
2012 2016
BSc in Biology, Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, Germany

Other interests

I am also involved in modelling projects about the effects of changing sea surface salinity on coastal ecosystems as well as conservation field research in South East Asia involving marine spatial planning, social and political sciences.