Working closely with H. Teixeira, M. Le Corre and A. Jaeger, my current work within our Marine Science Programme project includes the investigation of genetic connectivity among colonies of five seabird species across the Western Indian Ocean. Coupling genetics with population dynamics and spatial ecology will help to understand the demographic history and ecology of tropical seabirds and to inform conservation decisions.
Oceanic islands provide model systems for the investigation of the biogeography processes of migration, diversification and extinction.
My Project
My Publications

Past Volcanic Activity Predisposes an Endemic Threatened Seabird to Negative Anthropogenic Impact
Teixeira, H., Le Corre, M., Michon, L., Nicoll, M.A.C., Jaeger, A., Mikolic, N., Pinet, P., Couzi, F., Humeau, L. (2024). Past volcanic activity predisposes an endemic threatened seabird to negative anthropogenic impact. Molecular Ecology.